Based out of Boulder, Colorado, an easy 45 minute drive from Denver and the Denver International Airport, Drew can work locally, or travel anywhere. Drew has been mixing production sound for over 25 years, and active in Production/TV for almost 35 years. He has traveled to almost every state for work and to over 35 countries for work, several more than once. But, he NEEDS coffee in the morning! (Did I mention that?)
Owner Operator of:
- Sound Devices 833, 633, and 302
- Sanken, Countryman, DPA, and Sonitrim Lavs
- 8 Lectrosonics Wirelesses, 2 SRb's and 822
- 2 Sennheiser 416 Short Shotgun
- 3 Lockit Boxes (Tentacles and Moze Q28s)
* Denecke Time Code Slate, H4N
Photos:Catching the sights on Bourbon St, Nov 2023, At the Olympic Flame in Sochi, 2014; Aegean Sea with Hans Rosenwinkel for the BBC July 2016.